Your Primary Science Expert
Science holds a crucial position alongside English and mathematics as a core subject in schools throughout England. The presence of a high-quality science curriculum plays a pivotal role in ensuring children's academic success and equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to become valuable members of society. As research shows, emerging job markets increasingly rely on STEM subjects.
As a consultant, David has over 12 years experience working in the primary science sector. He has been the chair of the ASE’s Primary Science Education committee, and holds a MA in Science Education from King’s College, London. He has also been through the PSQM process twice and is now delighted to be a PSQM Hub Leader in London.
We offer a comprehensive range of services designed to support the development of your science curriculum. Our expertise encompasses:
Curriculum Development: We assist in aligning your curriculum with the latest best practices, ensuring it remains current and engaging.
Support for Subject Leaders: We provide guidance and assistance to subject leaders in monitoring the implementation and impact of the science curriculum.
Model Teaching: We can offer exemplar lessons and teaching strategies to inspire and empower teachers.
Enrichment Opportunities: We support schools in organising exciting enrichment activities, such as Science Week and the Great Science Share, fostering a love for science among students.
Training and Continuous Professional Development (CPD): We deliver tailored training programs and CPD sessions based on your school's specific needs, contextual requirements, and development priorities.
To explore how our services can cater to your unique requirements, we invite you to reach out to us via email at We look forward to supporting your science curriculum and enhancing the learning experience for your students.
As an experienced primary science leader, David is also a Hub Leader for the Primary Science Quality Mark, working with schools across London.
Either email David, or visit the PSQM website to find out more.
David is excited to share that he has co-written a number of chapters in the up-coming book ‘Primary Science in a Nutshell’, which is available directly from the ASE.
David co-edited the 3rd edition of the popular Primary Science Leaders’ Survival Guide. The guide includes practical advice from fellow professionals on all aspects of delivering science in primary schools.